It's still over 100 degrees in the Phoenix, Arizona valley so, despite the Halloween wreath on my door and cinnamon candle I'm burning in the kitchen, it doesn't really FEEL like fall yet.
So far, all I've done to ring in fall is to spruce up my outdoor space with some new pillows. I scored these for $5 on clearance at Fry's Marketplace. They're "my colors:" turquoise, green and brown.

See the candleholder on the white table? My friend got me that for a housewarming gift and it's perfect! It won't be long before we start using my fabulous fire pit. Can't wait for hotdogs and s'mores!

I AM I am loving all the fun, new fall colors I'm seeing, though!
If you're like me, you're looking for fun ways to add some new colors into your life.This Mary Kay flyer arrived in the mail and had me swooning for the "rich jewel tones, equestrian browns, woodsy berries and icy pastels."

{image from the 9/11 Mary Kay "the look" catalog}
If you haven't updated your makeup bag in a while, think about snagging a few new eyeshadow or lip colors to freshen your look. You might be surprised at how many compliments you get just from wearing a new shade of lipstick!If you need a Mary Kay rep, my dear old friend and mentor, Wilma, will help you (and she ships orders all over the U.S.--FAST!). Visit her personal web site
I also noticed that the Pantone's Fall 2011 Fashion Color Trend Report reflects many of the same colors. They describe them as "Sensible & Spirited."
{image source: Pantone}To discover more about Pantone's fall colors and to play with the above colors, visit Pantone's web site
These are some fun paint colors I pulled out that went well with the above palette. Besides painting a room or an accent wall, think about painting a piece of furniture, some thrift store picture frames or a bench for your front porch.For the pink..."Vivacious Pink" #122 by Sherwin Williams

For the blue-gray..."Languid Blue" #33 by Shwerin Williams

For the teal..."Maxi Teal" #6769 by Sherwin Williams

And if you're into yellows and golds..."Quilt Gold" #6696 by Sherwin Williams

This entire "Color Pizazz" collection by HGTV by Sherwin Williams is chock full of amazing fall colors that are "IN" this year. They are GORGEOUS.

Not quite ready to paint?
Looking for ways to add trendy fall color to your life without a big commitment? Perhaps you can just paint your nails??
Louvre Me, Louvre Me Not by OPIOr how about a pillow on your couch?
{teal pillow from Target}Maybe a new handbag? {did you know that handbags are IN this year? It's true!}
{Rosetti snakeskin tote in "Rose" from Kohl's}Perhaps some kitchen dishtowels?
{Crate and Barrel}This, by the way, is my favorite HOT new fall color, AUBERGINE, exemplified in this...

Fionn Aubergine Velvet Chair} from Pier 1.
If I were up for painting an entire wall, I'd go this direction (probably in the guest bathroom). So dramatic!

{"Fablous Grape" #6293 by Sherwin Williams} Swoooooon.
So far all I've done is paint my toenails an almost-black green color and purchased a new black top. I need to take my own advice and step out of the box!!
How are YOU embracing the hip colors of fall? Choosing color doesn't have to be SCARY anymore if you...
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