My father, David Grimes, has been a professional painter since 1967 and his business, OnaMission Home Painting, is licensed, bonded and insured, giving added confidence in his EXCELLENT work. My mom recently "retired" from the Montessori school where she taught for ten years and they are now working together to grow their business as a team. I am thrilled to have joined their team as The Color Picker in August of 2011!
When I am asked who I admire, who has had the most positive influence on my life or who I aspire to be more like, the answer is always the same: MY DAD. If he weren't my dad, I would still want to know him and spend time with him. He is an amazing man of integrity, a hard worker and has an incredible eye for detail. When you want your painting done FAST and you want it done RIGHT, hire OnaMissionHome Painting! Their motto is "Friends don't let friends paint their house."
When you hire OnaMission for your paint project, a 30-minute consultation with ME, The Color Picker, is included for anyone who requests it.
For more information or to arrange a FREE ESTIMATE, visit the OnaMission Home Painting Web Site or call my dad (Dave) at (602) 315-1802.